Unity 217

21/09/06 Unity Starter Assets - Third Person Character Controller (Asset Review)

https://youtu.be/ag3MYyBXoLM Unity Starter Assets - Third Person Character Controller (Asset Review) In this video I do a deep dive into the Third Person Character Controller package provided by Unity. I cover in detail how the animation is hooked up, Cinemachine, the New Input System, physics, and a high level look at the code structure too. Enjoy! Star youtu.be Unity Starter Assets In-Depth Ov..

tech/metaverse 2021.09.06

21/09/03 How To Make A Multiplayer Game In Unity - Client-Server - Mirror Networking

https://youtu.be/5LhA4Tk_uvI How To Make A Multiplayer Game In Unity - Client-Server - Mirror Networking This Unity Mirror tutorial will teach you how to create your own multiplayer game. For project files access, check out my GitHub here: https://github.com/DapperDino/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ youtu.be Unity Multiplayer Tutorial ..

tech/metaverse 2021.09.03