tech 409

21/07/28 How to Make a Shop Menu GUI [Updated Version] - Roblox Studio Tutorial - game.SterterGui.ScreenGui.Shop.LocalScript ``` local open = game.Workspace.openShop local close = game.Workspace.closeShop local frame = script.Parent local closeButton = frame.closeButton frame.Visible = false local function shopMenu(hit) local player = game.Players:FindFirstChild(hit.Parent.Name) if player and player.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Shop.Visible == false then..

tech/game 2021.07.28

21/07/27 ROBLOX httpservice 활용하여 http get/post이용 잔디 웹훅연결

-- ServerScriptService ``` -- RoHook Created By LuaScape local HTTP = game:GetService("HttpService") local webhookurl = "잔디 Webhook(incoming) URL 주소" -- This can be found by going into your discord server settings then going to integrations then going to webhooks local function SendReport(player) -- local character = player.Character -- local hmndrootpart = character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRoot..

tech/game 2021.07.27