class/오픈소스 free5gc 21

21/04/22 #ref-002 HostOS(Windows 10) - GuestOS (linux) 폴더 공유

1. 윈도우 공유폴더 생성 1-1) 윈도우에서 공유하고자 하는 폴더에 대하여 마우스 오른쪽 클릭을 하고 속성을 선택 1-2) 속성에서 공유탭 - 고급 공유를 클릭한다. 1-3) 고급 공유창에서 선택한 폴더 공유를 체크하고, 권한을 눌러 모든 권한을 허용 2. VMware에서 공유폴더 기능 설정하기 2-1) 가상머신을 실행하기 전에 Edit virtual machine setting을 클릭한다. 2-2) Options 탭에서 Shared Folders 항목을 선택하고, Always enabled를 체크한다. Add를 눌러 윈도우에서 공유하고자 하는 폴더를 선택한다. 2-3) Next를 눌러가며 1.에서 설정한 공유폴더를 선택하고, Enable this share 를 체크하여 마법사를 마무리한다. 마법사를 ..

21/04/22 #006 (free5gc) Build free5gc from source code (mongodb, logrus, free5gc source, webconsole)

Prerequisite Packages (mongodb, logrus) Control-plane Supporting Packages sudo apt -y update sudo apt -y install mongodb wget git sudo systemctl start mongodb User-plane Supporting Packages Check Linux kernel version 5.0.0-23-generic uname -r- Retrieve the 5G GTP-U kernel module using `git` and build itgit clone -b v0.2.1 cd gtp5g make sudo make install- Ins..

21/04/22 #005 (free5gc) Install Go Language Package On Ubuntu 18.04 (5.0.0-23-generic)

Installation Linux Kernel Version In order to use the UPF element, you must use the 5.0.0-23-generic version of the Linux kernel. free5gc uses the gtp5g kernel module, which has been tested and compiled against that kernel version only. To determine the version of the Linux kernel you are using: $ uname -r 5.0.0-23-generic Golang Version As noted above, free5gc is built and tested with Go 1.14.4..

21/04/22 #ref-001 (free5gc) How to compile free5gc source (from free5gc sites)

Installation A. Prerequisites Linux Kernel Version In order to use the UPF element, you must use the 5.0.0-23-generic version of the Linux kernel. free5gc uses the gtp5g kernel module, which has been tested and compiled against that kernel version only. To determine the version of the Linux kernel you are using: $ uname -r 5.0.0-23-generic You will not be able to run most of the tests in Test se..

21/04/22 #004 (free5gc) kernel 5.0.0-23-generic, gtp5g compile

Ubuntu 18.04 에서 설치 (linux-image-5.0.0-23-generic) gtp5g compile을 위해서 5.0.0-23-generic kernel 업데이트 필요. Install dependencies $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install -qq git build-essential vim strace net-tools iputils-ping iproute2 Update kernel version: 5.0.0-23-generic $ sudo apt-get install linux-image-5.0.0-23-generic linux-modules-5.0.0-23-generic linux-headers-5.0.0-23-generic $ sudo gr..

21/04/22 #003 (free5gc) Install Ubuntu 18.04 on VMware

VMware Workstation에 ubuntu server 18.04 LTS를 설치하는 방법 환경 VMware® Workstation 15 Player Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS (Bionic Beaver) Server (64-bit) 목차 Ubuntu 18.04.5 이미지 파일(.iso) 다운로드 VMware workstation의 VM(virtual machine) 설정 Ubuntu server 18.04.5 설치 리눅스 명령어로 ubuntu VM 상태 확인 Ubuntu 18.04.5 이미지 파일(.iso) 다운로드 👉 ubuntu-18.04.5-live-server-amd64.iso 👉 Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS (Bionic Beav..

21/04/22 #002 (free5gc) How to Install VMware Workstation Player 16

Download VMware Workstation 16 1- You can download VMware Workstation Player 16 for Windows. 2- Double click to launch the application, Select run. 3- Welcome to VMware Player setup wizard, Select Next. 4- Accept the License Agreement and then select Next. 5- Select Next. 6- Select Next. 7- You can choose shortcut for a Desktop and Start menu Programs Folder. Once you have made your select, then..