
21/08/06 How to install plug-ins on Gimp - Tutorial (1080p)

tech-lover 2021. 8. 6. 10:19


How to Install GIMP Plugins

  1. Unzip the download.
  2. In GIMP, go to Preferences > Folders. ...
  3. There are two folders in each section. ...
  4. If your downloads are in the PY format move them into the Plug-ins folder.
  5. If they're in the SCM format move them into the Scripts folder.
  6. Now restart GIMP.

Installing scripts (.scm files)

1) Download file and unzip if it is zipped so that you get file with .scm extension.
2) Inside GIMP program, go to Edit -> Preferences -> Folders -> Scripts and see the folder/path listed.
3) Copy/Move the .scm file from step 1 to one of one of those folders.
4) Restart GIMP (or inside GIMP, go to Filters -> Script-Fu -> Refresh Scripts)
5) And now script is active for use.

For example, on my Windows 10, my Folders -> Scripts listed
C:\Users\Tin Tran\.gimp-2.8\scripts
C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\share\gimp\2.0\scripts
so I just save my .scm files to C:\Users\Tin Tran\.gimp-2.8\scripts