
21/07/19 Develop and Publish Flappy Bird in 3 Hours With Unity3D

tech-lover 2021. 7. 19. 16:41

Project Setup: 1:19

Art Development: 2:49

UI Design: 18:18

Physics: 33:57

Tags: 41:51

Layers: 44:40

C# Scripting: 50:04

Tap Controller: 50:26

Game Manager: 1:00:51

Button Events: 1:08:17

Count down Text: 1:11:02

Events and Delegates: 1:15:56

High score Text: 1:29:21

Parallaxing and Object Pooling: 1:31:25

Audio Effects: 2:29:30

Attribution: 2:41:27

Publishing: 2:42:45