21.11.10 ubuntu18.04 + phpmyadmin 에러 해결 (sql.lib.php) https://jimnong.tistory.com/762 [우분투 18.04] phpMyAdmin “서버 에러” 문제 해결기 우분투 APT 저장소에 기본으로 있는 아파치, 마리아DB, PHP, phpMyAdmin을 설치했었습니다. 2018년 10월 5일 기준으로 버전을 보면 아파치 2.4.29 / MariaDB 10.1.34 / PHP 7.2.10 / phpMyAdmin 4.6.6deb5 네요... jimnong.tistory.com tech/metaverse 2021.11.10
21/10/01 Unity Tutorial: Rotate a Camera Around The Object https://youtu.be/iuygipAigew tech/metaverse 2021.10.01
21/09/29 Blender Export fbx for Unity https://youtu.be/ysl0qYq5p9w https://github.com/EdyJ/blender-to-unity-fbx-exporter GitHub - EdyJ/blender-to-unity-fbx-exporter: FBX exporter addon for Blender compatible with Unity's coordinate and scaling syste FBX exporter addon for Blender compatible with Unity's coordinate and scaling system. - GitHub - EdyJ/blender-to-unity-fbx-exporter: FBX exporter addon for Blender compatible with Unity'.. tech/metaverse 2021.09.29
21/09/16 Panorama to Cubemap https://jaxry.github.io/panorama-to-cubemap/ Panorama to Cubemap Output Click each cube face to save it to your computer. Generating... jaxry.github.io tech/metaverse 2021.09.16
21/09/15 Add Video Chat To Unity With Agora! (Tutorial) https://youtu.be/uxIQOZr6RiU tech/metaverse 2021.09.15
21/09/01 Simulating touch events in Play mode in Unity http://blog.wafrat.com/simulating-touch-events-in-play-mode-in-unity/ Simulating touch events in Play mode in Unity This should have been easy, but it really wasn't. I wish the information was more prominently displayed in the Unity docs and tutorials. How to do itGo to Window, Analysis, Input Debug.In the Options dropdown, check Simulate Touch Input From Mouse or Pen.T blog.wafrat.com tech/metaverse 2021.09.15
21/09/15 유나이트 서울 2020 에듀케이션데이 (Unite Seoul 2020 Education Day) https://youtu.be/hVHSN1gJH9Y tech/metaverse 2021.09.15
21/09/15 유나이트 서울 2020 - Unity 앱에 인터랙티브 영상 채팅을 구축하는 방법 Track3-9 https://youtu.be/WIC7TfScm_M https://webdemo.agora.io/agora-web-showcase/examples/Agora-Web-Tutorial-1to1-Web/ Basic Communication webdemo.agora.io tech/metaverse 2021.09.15
21/09/14 금호석유화학, 사내 교육에 '메타버스' 활용 https://www.lcnews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=22484 금호석유화학, 사내 교육에 '메타버스' 활용 - 라이센스뉴스 [라이센스뉴스 임이랑 기자] 금호석유화학이 메타버스를 이용해 신입사원 교육을 진행했다. 금호석유화학은 올해 그룹 공채 신입사원과 함께 메타버스를 이용한 신입사원 교육을 진행했다고 9 www.lcnews.co.kr tech/metaverse 2021.09.14
21/09/14 BUILD LEVELS QUICKLY in Unity with SNAPS! https://youtu.be/b4oqOdBCy3c tech/metaverse 2021.09.14